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Why use Tricho Immune in spring?


This year, spring has arrived 3-4 weeks early, which can be a joy, but it can also cause problems in the garden. Because of the early season, many of us have slipped up on spraying the fruit trees, most of the fruit trees are already in flower and pathogens can already be infecting them. 

What can we do to give our plants the best chance of being protected now?

Tricho Immunelocated in Trichoderma strains can help plant development in a number of ways, strengthening their defences against pathogens ('immunising' plants). 

What to do if you plant now?

We can only successfully plant free-rooted fruit trees, vines, berries, roses and forest seedlings from leaf fall to leaf flush. Once the plant has started to shoot, the origin of freshly planted plants is uncertain.

If it is still possible to plant (we are in the last moments!), it is advisable to plant the plants before Tricho Immunesoak in the recommended concentration: 0.5-1 %, i.e. 100 g per 10-20 litres of soaking water.

The mushrooms contained in the preparation can be used in tap water, well water and rainwater, but it is advisable to let the tap water stand for 1-2 hours to allow any chlorine to be released as a gas.

Blue Franc vineyards treated with soaking prior to planting in 2015, harvested in 2022. Photo: Dr. Erzsébet Karaffa

Recommended soaking time 12-48 hours. The soaking water can then be used to water your plants, as it also contains beneficial fungi. When the plants sprout, you will notice a stronger growth, with a richer, darker green foliage. The plant development and growth stimulating effect of the treatment at the time of planting has been demonstrated in experiments 4 years later.

What can we do with existing plants?

  • For example you can waterand we use it for our plants. Watering plants that have already been planted can be equally effective, as fungi can enter through above-ground parts of the plant and roots to help our plants. Even in the case of irrigation water, a concentration of 0.5-1 % is recommended for Tricho Immune application. In ornamental plants (roses, magnolias) it has also enhanced flower formation in decayed plants.

For example we can water our plants with it. Watering plants that have already been planted can be equally effective, as fungi can enter through above-ground parts of the plant and roots to help our plants. Even in the case of irrigation water, a concentration of 0.5-1 % is recommended for Tricho Immune application. In ornamental plants (roses, magnolias) it has also enhanced flower formation in decayed plants 

Roses treated with Tricho Immune (2023) Photo: L.Z. hobby gardener

Or after exit spraying foliage. We can protect ourselves against early spring diseases. It is too late to protect against peach leaf curl caused by taffy blight, which needs to be applied before bud break to give the developing foliage and flowers time to wilt and protect against the pathogen that attacks in cool, wet, rainy weather in early spring.

However, application can still be effective in controlling monilia. The most critical period for monilia infection of stone fruit is flowering. As a preventive measure, 50 g of Tricho Immune in 10 litres of water applied before the beginning of flowering can significantly reduce the damage caused by monilia during flowering, based on experience and reports

Cherry tree treated with Tricho Immune before flowering April 2023. Photo: L.Z. hobby gardener

In that case we also recommend the Tricho Immuneif we could still do the wash-off spraying in time!

In this case wait 2 weeks after treatment with copper, sulphur or other pesticides before the Trichoderma fungus is sprayed.

This method can be used to cover wounds in woody areas, preventing pathogenic fungi from getting in. Trichoderma strains are still able to enter the plants and kill pathogenic fungi on the surface by their "predatory activity" (mycoparasitism).


For wash spraying also previously proposed 0,5-1 % at concentration its use is recommended. Spraying is carried out until the crop is drowned. Solution on the soil is not wasted either, because it can contact the plant even when it is close to its roots and thus exert its beneficial effects. 

If you do not use the full Tricho Immune quantity, it should be immediately sealed perfectly and stored in a cool, dry place for 2 months keeps its expiry date.


Dr. Erzsébet Karaffa, Professor at the Institute of Food Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Food Science and Environmental Management, University of Debrecen, developer of Tricho Immune.