10 Plant Mulch Mix with Micorrhiza
Átmeneti készlethiány: kiszállítás március 17-től
26% Fodder peas, 20% Fodder vetch, 16% Tractor rye, 2% Black/coarse oats, 8%. Tillage radish, 8%. Purple clover, 5%. Facelia, 4% Alexandra testicle, 4%. Flax, 1% Suckling vetch
How to apply?
The seed mixture should be sown 2-4 cm deep. If the soil is dry, it is advisable to water after sowing to speed up germination. 5 kg of product is sufficient to "cover/ vitalise" an area of 500-1 000 m2. Ideal sowing time: March-May or end of August-October.
General information
This 10-crop cover crop mix is dominated by butterflies, which can fix up to more than 100 kg/ha of nitrogen from the air. Melioration radish in the mix deeply loosens the soil, while the kalas provide shade and support for the other plants. The 8% mycorrhiza concentrate per bag of 8% mycorrhiza in the mix both supports seed growth and can provide a mycorrhizal "bed" for next year's crops such as sunflower or corn. By using it you can create a more humus-rich, vital and healthy soil!
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Storage of
Between 5 and 30 degrees Celsius, it will keep for at least 18 months in its original packaging. It should be applied as soon as possible after opening, but stored tightly closed in a cool, frost-free place for up to 6 months without deterioration.
But why this mulch?
The picture shows the root size of the different cover crops - their roots penetrate the soil densely, improving its structure, and they also have excellent weed suppression properties.
And what is just as important is the micronutrient content of the product. Which not only supports the cover crop, but also the next crop that is sown!
Product benefits: soil health, nutrient leaching prevention, erosion reduction, weed suppression, biodiversity enhancement.
The flowers' best friend
The butterfly-flowering plants in the product (white-flowered lupin, spring vetch, purple clover, Alexandrian testicle, sweet clover) fix nitrogen from the air. When the plants die and decompose in the soil, this nitrogen can be taken up by the next crop. The proportion of these butterflies in the mixture is close to 60%
What does the product contain?
26% Forage peas
- can be grown on almost any soil
- fixes large amounts of nitrogen
- its deep roots loosen the soil well
- its high green mass increases the organic matter content of the soil
- can also dig up nitrogens accumulated in deeper soil layers.
- on sandy soils it has excellent soil improvement properties.
20% Feeding buckbook
- can be grown successfully on almost any soil, but will appreciate better soils
- cold and frost tolerant, so can be left as mulch during the winter months
- grows for only 2-3 months and produces a large green mass
- has thin, clinging ducktails at the end of its leaves, which it uses to intertwine itself with the supporting plants and anchor itself.
- from its spindle root, it has long, thick roots that reach up to 110 cm
- capable of absorbing up to 50-150 kg N, equivalent to 200-500 kg/ha of Pétis salt
16% Tractor rye
- its deep, strong roots loosen the soil
- can be grown on almost any soil except saline
- short growing season, so it yields high biomass even when sown later
- dense vegetation is a good weed suppressor and prevents soil erosion
- its strong roots store nitrogen and other nutrients
- an excellent support plant for butterflies
- drought tolerant
- thanks to its large, fast-growing green mass, it is able to increase the humidity of the air. It thus offers the possibility of water retention in the upper layer of the soil for the next crop
12% Mature (black) oats
- can be grown on almost any soil type, even acid or sandy soils
- develops a large green mass, which later increases the organic matter content of the soil
- good weed suppressor due to its rapid growth and high green weight
- reduces wind and water erosion
- an excellent support plant for butterflies
- drought tolerant
- thanks to its large, fast-growing green mass, it is able to increase the humidity of the air. It thus offers the possibility of water retention in the upper layer of the soil for the next crop
8% Meliorating latch
- its large taproot also penetrates the ectethalpa, it is unmissable in reduced tillage
- significant sequestration of N, K, Ca, S and microelements
- well covers the soil, so it is a significant weed suppressor, "undergrowth"
- can reduce the effects of water and wind erosion
- leaves a large amount of organic matter, which increases the humus content, especially the underground parts are used faster and give better quality humus
- can be used in greening
- develops significant root and green mass in as little as 30 days!
- freezes if temperatures drop below minus 10 degrees Celsius for several days
8% Purple
- capable of absorbing up to 60-160 kg/ha N (equivalent to 200-600 kg of Pétis salt!)
- covers the soil well so it is a significant weed suppressor
- the soil is dug into by the roots of the stake to a depth of 40-60 cm, thus improving its structure
- feeds beneficial fungi and bacteria in the soil
5% Facelia (Musk Grass)
- excellent soil structure improvement in topsoil
- enriches the number of beneficial micro-organisms
- undemanding to the soil
- its roots fix a lot of nutrients, which are used by the following plants after decomposition
- no pests or diseases
- a popular crop in organic farming because of its excellent weed-suppressing capacity and its biological soil disinfectant (its cyanide-containing decomposition products repel nematodes)
4% Alexandrai here
- can fix up to 100-140 kg nitrogen per hectare, which is equivalent to 300-400 kg of Pétis salt
- its roots penetrate the soil densely, thus improving the structure of the topsoil
- grows quickly and densely in good soil, so it has excellent weed suppression and reduces wind and water erosion
- ideal choice between two autumn crops as it grows quickly and fixes a lot of nitrogen
4% Len
- minimum rainfall is sufficient for germination and it can withstand drought later
- has a rapid initial development
- its strong stems make it an excellent support for other plants
- the root densely penetrates the soil and improves its structure
1% Somkóró
- undemanding frost and drought tolerant, even grows on chalky sandy soils
- is capable of fixing 90-150 kg/ha of nitrogen, equivalent to 300-500 kg/ha of Pétis salt
- its main root can penetrate up to 1.5 metres deep and loosen the soil
Mikorrhiza fungi
- spores, sensing a living root nearby, thread the hyphae into it
- symbioses with the crop, which benefits both organisms
- can deliver more water and nutrients to the crop from a distance
- increases the water and nutrient uptake surface of the root by hundreds of times
- in exchange, the cultivated plant provides the mycorrhizal fungi with ready-to-use nutrients such as sugars and amino acids
- after its termination, the mycorrhizal fungi that have grown up "overwinter" in the cold during the winter and then re-symbiose with the spring-sown crop, helping it to absorb water and nutrients
Learn more about the fungus Mikorrhiza!
How does Mikorrhiza mushroom help?
Micorrhizal fungi help the crop to absorb more water and nutrients and provide natural protection against pathogens attacking from the soil
It is recommended for use after crops harvested in the summer, e.g. oilseed rape or rape. Timing the sowing so that the seeds get enough water for germination. If necessary, wait until the end of August to allow the rains to help germination.
Professional tip!