MikoMax Garden 60 g
TIPP: Amennyiben 25 vagy több darabot szeretnél vásárolni, ajánljuk figyelmedbe MikoMax 60g csomagos kiszerelésünket.
What is the mycorrhizal fungus and biostimulant MikoMax Garden good for?
- Increases the uptake of nutrients from the soil by plants
- Improves the plant's more efficient use of water
- Strengthens the natural resistance of plants
- Creating a more active and healthy soil life
- Thanks to the above, it improves crop quality and increases yields
- Due to its 6 types of nodules, it can be used in soils with different pH contents (acid, neutral or alkaline)
- They help the plant not only in the early stages of its life, but throughout its life, e.g. in grapes for up to 50 years.
How to apply?
The MikoMax Garden should be sprayed into the planting hole so that it is close to the roots of the plant. You don't need to sprinkle much (about a teaspoonful) because, in theory, only the hyphae thread of a single spore, if it gets into the root of the plant, will then entangle the plant.
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991 Ft
Why should I choose this?
- Diversity of mycorrhizal species: there are nearly 200 strains of mycorrhizal fungi, each of which has a different soil effect. So, for example, if a product has 6 different strains of mycorrhizae - as in MikoMax Garden - it has 6 times the adaptive capacity of a single strain product.
- An important measure is the amount of propagules per cm3 of product. This is 20 for the oldest mycorrhiza product and 500 for MikoMax Garden. In other words, the MikoMax Garden mycorrhiza product has 25 times more active ingredient!
- Active substance content: 500,000 spores/kg from 6 mycorrhizal strains.
Storage of
Between 5 and 30 degrees Celsius, it will keep for at least 18 months in its original packaging. It should be applied as soon as possible after opening, but stored tightly closed in a cool, frost-free place for up to 6 months without deterioration.
Did you know?
Mycorrhizal fungal species form a symbiotic relationship with the host plant, increasing its water and nutrient supply, stress tolerance and resistance to pests.
More about Micorrhiza
It symbiotically interacts with the host plant, supporting it in taking up adequate amounts of water and nutrients during stressful periods such as frost or drought. The mycorrhiza, with a hyphal filament many hundreds of times the size of the host plant's root, can take up water and nutrients from much further away and more efficiently for the host plant.
Since mycorrhizal fungi need root contact, we need to get them close to the root, max 1-2 cm from the root, when applying. For larger trees, it should be applied around the canopy in several places under the canopy stump. It is recommended to apply to the smaller, thinner roots.
The mycorrhizal fungus penetrates the host plant and strengthens its natural immune system, making it more resistant to fungal diseases. Mycorrhizae secrete substances that increase and improve soil aggregates, which are among the most important components of soil.
Why is this cooperation good for the crop and how is it achieved?
Early in their growing season, plants get natural help from mycorrhizal fungi to take up more water and nutrients. At this time, the plants secrete substances that attract these fungi and encourage them to use part of their hyphal filaments to penetrate the roots of the crop.
Lawn care with Micorrhiza
Once the grass has been cut, the following options are still available for applying mycorrhiza:
Why is this cooperation good for the crop and how is it achieved?
Early in their growing season, plants get natural help from mycorrhizal fungi to take up more water and nutrients. At this time, the plants secrete substances that attract these fungi and encourage them to use part of their hyphal filaments to penetrate the roots of the crop.
The plant senses whether it can cope with the task of absorbing water and nutrients from the soil on its own, or whether it needs nature's help. If it senses that it needs help, it secretes ready-made nutrients, carbohydrates, amino acids and other signalling substances produced by itself into the soil through its roots. This signal is sensed by the mycorrhizal fungus and it moves towards the root and then penetrates the root.
Video about Danuba Garden's chemical-free and organic products!
From the writer of the Gardener's Garden in Pilisszentkereszten blog by Miklós Szomorú: "I have a good half-hour video for you. But it's worth watching or listening to. Soil life, algae, michorrhiza fungi, and eco-plant protection. We use these materials instead of sprays and fertilizers. But of course compost itself is the best thing that can happen in a garden. With them we can only further improve and accelerate the balance."
Experience Gardener - Using mycorrhizal fungi and algae extract in the garden