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Beet Bacteria

NÉBIH registration in progress, available soon!



Dose: 1 box/5 hectares (50000 m²)


Benefits of the Beet Bacteria:

  • fixes nitrogen (N) from the air
    Brings phosphorus in the soil into an absorbable state 
  • Production of plant hormones - enhance the plant root 
  • and shoot growth
    20-40% means less fertiliser application 
  • at least the same yield level with the same fertiliser dose 
  • 5-10% extra crop 


For all our products, the manufacturer guarantees the germ count and active ingredient content for 18 months from the date of manufacture.


Temporary stock shortage

63.500 Ft


How can the four types of bacteria in the Beet Bacteria help plants?

is known to have the effect of helping to control many soil-borne fungal diseases in women.e.g. Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Alternaria, Fusarium. Seechaste womenhas a growth enhancing effect. 

One of the best known nitrogen (N) bindersfrom  bacteria that can grow in oxygen-depleted soiland reproduce. 

These bacteria are not only able to help butterflies bind nitrogen (N)but certain strains of Rhizobium laguerreae are known to, such as carrots, also help. 

Studies show that particularly strong nitrogen (N) fixation and phosphorus mobilising effect of Bacillus bacteriawith the Rzsektt. 



Benefits of the Beet Bacteria

It fixes nitrogen (N) from the air. It brings phosphorus in the soil into an absorbable state. Increases plant root and shoot growth by producing plant hormones. At least the same yield with 20-40% less fertilizer application. 5-10% extra yield at the same fertilizer rate.


Recommended accompanying products:

to get it out with Blackjak, stimulating your plant and soil at the same time

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