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DanuVital BIO+

Dose: 2 dl/10 litres of spray juice.

Please pay special attention to the dose and time of application (temperature, time of day) to avoid occasional scorching. Application on hot days should be avoided, application above 22 degrees is not recommended. Clean the application equipment used before and after spraying with clean water.


How does DanuVital BIO+ help?

  1. Helps sustain growth during periods of intense growth
  2. By using it, we can avoid nutrient deficiencies that reduce growth and yield. For example: nitrogen, sulphur, magnesium, iron, boron, manganese, zinc, potassium, calcium 
  3. When applied to the plant, the product increases the concentration of the nutrient, thus triggering a water pump from the root as the water moves from a lower concentration to a higher concentration. This water pump brings additional nutrients to the plant and helps it to evaporate optimally.
  4. Within a week you will see the greening effect of the product, resulting in a healthier plant!


How to apply?

In a 10 litre sprayer, dissolve 1-2 dl of DanuVital Bio+ and spray it on the green foliage.



In stock

5.588 Ft33.020 Ft

Packaging: 1 L, 10 L

Why should I choose this?

  1. More than 90% of the foliar fertilisers on the market are not organic but are made from chemical ingredients. Very few of them contain organic ingredients such as plant amino acids, fish bone or molasses.
  2. The highest nutrient that plants need to be replenished is nitrogen. The 40 g/l nitrogen content in DanuVital Bio+ is one of - if not the - highest on the market.
  3. Total active ingredient content: it is advisable to look at the label of foliar fertilizers and do not buy products with a total active ingredient content of less than 100 g/l (i.e. N+K+P+ meso and microelements), because there you are largely only paying for the water and the bottle.

Storage of

Between 5 and 30 degrees Celsius, it will keep for at least 36 months in its original packaging. It should be applied as soon as possible after opening, but stored tightly resealed in a cool, frost-free place for up to 6 months without deterioration.


More about power cells!

DanuVital BIO+ is a foliar fertilizer for plants that is 100% organic and contains all the essential nutrients (11 types) for the plant. These nutrients are N, P, K, Mg, S, Ca, Fe, B, Mn, Mo, Zn.

DanuVital Bio's 10 nutrient formulas have been formulated to provide the optimum proportion of a healthy plant's sap. Macro and meso nutrients (NPK + Mg + Ca + S) are present in the product in 6 times the amount, while micro nutrients are present in 2 times the concentration. This is an effective way of concentrating the plant juices, which triggers a water and nutrient pump from the roots!




How does DanuVital BIO+ help? It helps the plant during periods of intensive growth, ensuring its continued development.

Just as in humans, a healthy plant is more resistant to disease. Just as the lion preys on the one clinging to the end of the wildebeest herd, so disease will first strike a weakened plant.


DanuVital Bio+ will penetrate the plant within a few hours after spraying on the leaves and will feed it for about 2-3 weeks. Thanks to DanuVital BIO, a balanced supply of nutrients is ensured for the plant and increases its resistance.


  1. Step 1: Application of Tricho Immune
    Apply Tricho Immune first. This needs a few hours to penetrate the plant and a few weeks to fully spread and start protecting and strengthening the plant internally.
  2. Step 1 add: Add Asco Alga
    In addition to Tricho Immune, you can also apply Asco Algae, which complements the effects of Tricho Immune.
  3. Step 2: Apply SoftGuard and DanuVital Bio one week later
    After a week you can spray SoftGuard together with DanuVital Bio. It is important that this is only done after Tricho Immune and Asco Alga to avoid adverse interactions.
  4. Repeat treatments: SoftGuard combinations every 2-3 weeks
    You can repeat the treatment cycles every 2-3 weeks, alternating between SoftGuard + Asco Alga and SoftGuard + DanuVital Bio.



My little garden - My little garden tried out some of our products: the DanuVital Bio foliar fertiliser, the Asco Alga foliar fertiliser and the Blackjak humus amendment, a soil quality enhancer. The household dose of these products is 2dl/10l.