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Tricho Immune

Dose: 1-3 kg per hectare, 100 grams are enough for two backpack sprayers

Please pay special attention to the dose and time of application (temperature, time of day) to avoid occasional scorching. Application on a hot day should be avoided. Clean the application equipment used before and after spraying with clean water.


How does the Hungarian-developed Tricho Immune help?

  1. Accelerates plant development, resulting in increased yields
  2. Enhances plant immunity against fungal pathogens
  3. Tightens and seals the wounds of the plant, protecting it from pathogens
  4. Protection against stress factors e.g. drought, hail
  5. It is important that it only protects the plant against fungi that invade the plant e.g. in apples it is not effective against powdery mildew but it is good against varroasis, in grapes it is not effective against powdery mildew but it is good against peronospora and botrytis.


How to apply?

In order to build up the necessary protection, Tricho Immune should be applied as early as possible in the vegetation. It is recommended to do this twice. The following options are available:

1. Soak the graft before planting. 1 kg Tricho Immune in 100 litres of water.

2. Autumn wash spraying when there is still green foliage

3. During winter pruning, to absorb and close wounds (wax)

4. In early spring, when there is already green foliage

5. At flowering, when the plant is most sensitive

For backyard spraying, we recommend Tricho Immune 100 gram pack, which is sufficient for two 10-15 litre containers. Spraying should be carried out, as with all products, at temperatures below 22°C, preferably in the late afternoon or early morning.

Do not mix with other products, only with Danuba algae products such as Asco Alga or Kelpak.


In stock

120.650 Ft

Why should I choose this?

  1. Habitat of origin of Trichoderma strain: it is important whether the Trichoderma strains in the product live and reproduce in soil or in plants. Tricho Immune contains two Trichoderma strains isolated from Tokaj vines, which means that they are native to plants and therefore have a longer duration of beneficial effects and are well tolerated by the local weather conditions. They can be applied directly to the plant. Soil-dwelling Trichoderms, on the other hand, are best used in soil.
  2. Germ count: the amount of germ in the product can also be used as a basis for comparison. The higher, the more effective!

The spores of Trichoderma strains in Tricho Immune can survive temperatures as low as -20 degrees Celsius, but can only grow and reproduce above 0 degrees Celsius.
Conidial spores (simply spores) have a low water content. In the cold, the cells just stop functioning (i.e. they don't grow), but as long as the membrane remains, they retain their viability. If ice crystals are formed (either in the aqueous environment or inside the cell), the cytoplasmic membrane is perforated, killing the cell. Spores are low in water, so no ice is formed inside them, even at relatively low temperatures. They can be kept alive for a very long time at -80 degrees Celsius in a special solution (glycerol) or even colder by rapid freezing (liquid nitrogen).


Find out more!

For specific microbiological or Trichoderma-related questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Erzsébet Karaffa, the inventor of Tricho Immune: For general questions, contact our horticultural expert, Vera Dávid:


Storage of

Between 5 and 30 degrees Celsius, it will keep for at least 18 months in its original packaging. It should be applied as soon as possible after opening, but stored tightly closed in a cool, frost-free place for up to 6 months without deterioration.


Did you know that these Trichoderma strains were developed by Prof. Dr. Erzsébet Karaffa and Dr. Csilla Kovács of the University of Debrecen? The research started in 2015 in the Tokaj wine region.

Importantly, it contains two strains of Trichoderma that have been protected and patented in Hungary. These species are Trichoderma afroharzianum (TR04) and Trichoderma simmonsii (TR05). 

Trichoderma species are fast-growing, aeromycete-producing fungi. Their spores are scattered or arranged in concentric circles on the medium, forming greenish colonies (Figures 1-2). Isolate TR05, when grown on PDA agar, produced a yellow pigment diffusing into the medium. Isolate TR05 is characterized by a strong pigment production capacity. Both isolates form dark green conidia.

Trichoderma species have been known since the 1930s and are considered potential biopesticides, with some strains being used against plant pathogens. Their rapid growth displaces pathogens from the plant environment (space parasitism). As microparasitic fungi, they can destroy hyphae of other fungi (e.g. plant pathogens)


Experimental results

Our strains were able to colonise the cordon of older plants, the cuttings (both rootstock and rootstock), the roots and the whole woody/soft plant tissue after root treatment in field experiments with different applications. In vivo experiments have demonstrated that the strains are able to persist in many crops (apple, grapes, field crops) and can be re-isolated later.

We have shown that grapevines treated with strains showing symptoms of Grapevine Trunk Disease (GTD) showed a reduction of the characteristic symptoms of the disease on the vegetative organs, i.e. the treatment was curative. This effect is supported by our study in which we also detected necrotic woody tissue of treated grapevines of different varieties containing pathogenic fungi, which were also strains used in the treatment. Our strains are able to displace pathogenic fungi not only on the surface, on the surface of pruning wounds, but also inside the woody tissue. Trichoderma treatment can provide long-term symptom management, killing and control of pathogenic species.


Kovács, C., Csótó, A., Pál, K., Nagy, A., Fekete, E., Karaffa, L., Kubicek, C.P., Sándor, E. (2021): The Biocontrol Potential of Endophytic Trichoderma Fungi Isolated from Hungarian Grapevines. Part I. Isolation, Identification and In Vitro Studies. Pathogens. 10, 1612. /DOI:

Read more about professional research results here read at!


Tricho Immune fungus needs 24-48 hours to penetrate the plant, which is a good time if there is no persistent, soaking rain. The penetration into the plant can be accelerated if it is applied together with some organic material, e.g. algae (Kelpak or Asco Algae).


What's important is that the temperature should not be higher than 20 degrees and should not be humid/wet, because then the spores will start to germinate (i.e. the fridge is not the best because of the high humidity). We recommend a tightly sealed jar that will fit the opened bag. Or seal with paper clips, bag clips.


The Hungarian-developed Trichoderma mushroom is the new big gun in renewable and sustainable gardening. It not only protects against stress factors, but also against fungal pathogens. It could even be called the new super weapon of plant protection. But not only does it help protect plants, it also stimulates plant development, which speeds up crop growth.


Tricho Immune should be applied as early as possible, either at the time of pruning or at the latest before flowering. It needs a few hours to penetrate the plant and then a few weeks to spread fully. By the time the plant flowers, it should be fully protected, as this is the most sensitive period.


The Tricho Immune large-scale at a dose of 1 kg/ha. This means that professional vine and fruit growers apply 1 kg per 10,000 nm2 of area.

Pruning as soon as possible and/or when the grapes are in leaf, start treating the grapes to prevent fungal diseases with the following recipe: 50 g Tricho Immun + 2 dl Asco Alga/ in a 10-15 litre backpack sprayer. Tricho Imun needs a wound surface or green canopy to penetrate tissues, and the organic matter content of Asco Alga helps it stay on the canopy and penetrate through stomata. As Tricho Immun is available in 100g packs, we recommend repeating the treatment once more before flowering.

Any unused quantity should be stored tightly sealed in the fridge and used within 3 months.


Our regional representative visited the Kecskemét Research Institute to observe the beneficial effects of the Trichoderma fungus on grapes. In the greenhouse under study, powdery mildew infestation was predominant. While some peronospores were observed outdoors, however, when Tricho Immun and SoftGuard our products have been used preventively, both have performed very well.

Discharge tip: After about two weeks of Tricho Immune treatment, the SoftGuardot it provides effective protection for the plants.


It is important that the Tricho Immune does not run off the green leaves onto the soil, as the product is absorbed through the plant.

That is, if the lawn is very wet then Tricho Immune can run off, if it's just barely wet then it's not a problem.

Ideally, the water should wash the dust and other impurities from the lawn leaves, and then Tricho Immune is applied to the "clean" leaves.

It is also recommended to add Tricho Immune Asco Algae also, at a spray dose of 2dl per 10 litres of spray to feed and strengthen the lawn organically.




As part of our ideal plant protection strategy, especially if there is currently sufficient green canopy available to take up the active ingredient, we strongly recommend the use of Tricho Immune at a dose of 1 kg/ha. As a supplement to this treatment we recommend Asco Alga product at a dose of 1 l/ha, which has several advantages:

  • It promotes the adherence and absorption of Tricho Immune in plants.
  • It nourishes and strengthens plants, increasing their resistance.
  • It thickens plant moisture, which contributes to better frost resistance in plants.


If this autumn treatment is achieved in time, it is recommended to repeat the treatment in the spring flowering period, but at a reduced dose of 0.5 kg/ha.

If the autumn treatment is no longer feasible, it is recommended to apply Tricho Immune at a dose of 1 kg/ha at the following times:

  • At the time of pruning, when the pruning wounds allow the product to penetrate more easily into the plant tissues and start working.
  • When the first leaves appear, when the plants are ready to take up the active substance.
  • Around flowering, when plants are most susceptible to various diseases and pests.

As an additional plant protection suggestion, it is recommended to apply every 2-4 weeks after flowering SoftGuard which further enhances the plants' ability to defend themselves against various environmental stresses.


Tricho Immun can effectively protect plants against fungal diseases as a preventive treatment. If treatment is delayed and symptoms have developed, it can still help the plant. After removing the infected parts of the diseased, freshly dead, gut-blighted symptoms, it stimulates plant growth (re-sprouts) and strengthens the plant by spraying on the pruning surface and the living plant. It has already saved several fruit trees (apricots, apples, pears, cherries) and ornamental plants (magnolia, roses)!

2021: Year after treatment


2022: Harvest again a year and a half after treatment!


2023: Still holding up well!



  1. Usability in flowering: Tricho Immune can also be used in flower, but pre-emergence application is recommended. This is because the fungus (which is the active ingredient in the preparation) is allowed to multiply in the plant during the pre-treatment period, thus protecting the flower more effectively against diseases such as monilia and botrytis.
  2. Use of oily copper sulphur after Tricho Immune: The use of copper sulphate in oil after Tricho Immune is not excluded, but it is important that the two treatments are not used at the same time. It is recommended to apply the copper about two weeks after Tricho Immune, as by then the fungus has already entered and multiplied in the plant, so the sulphur will not harm it.
  3. Interaction with the Polyversum fungus: Research has not yet investigated the interaction with the fungus (Pythium oligandrum) in Polyversum. It is known that in studies with other Pythium species, the fungus Trichoderma parasitised and ate the Pythium. Given the different mechanisms of action of the two fungi and the fact that the fungus in the Polyversum formulation requires a relatively high moisture content and temperatures higher than 10°C, the outcome of the interaction cannot be predicted.



Click and read!




Unlike Trifender, the two Trichoderma strains in Tricho Immun live in the plant, not in the soil. In experiments at the University of Debrecen, they were able to recover Trichoderma fungi from grapes even after 4 years. So the fungus remained in the plant, but in what quantity is another question. It is not guaranteed that after many years the amount is still sufficient to provide sufficient protection against the pathogenic fungi (similarly, a human or animal vaccine does not provide protection forever).
The Trichoderma fungi in Tricho Immun can be taken up by the plant through the soil, but they do not survive only in the soil. It cannot spread from one plant to another. It enters the plant best through pruning wounds, other wound surfaces and stomata on the foliage, but experiments have shown that it can also enter the soil through bark cracks and wounds on woody parts in the soil or in the defoliated state, but at lower doses and with a lower probability.
Experiments on the interaction between mycorrhizae and trichoderma are currently being carried out at the University of Debrecen. Studies so far show that they do not inhibit each other's function. Trichoderma lives in the plant and mycorrhiza lives on the root and in the root, so the different application areas prevent them from acting in the same place.



Trichoderma our tribes can be said to be:


  1. They have significant mycoparasitic potential against all the endogenous pathogens that cause necrotic lesions studied.
  2. Effective against powdery mildew on the surface of leaves after a single sulphur treatment (Kecskemét, 2020 test results)
  3. They stimulate the development of the host plant and increase the yield.
  4. As a space parasite, it can seal wounds against pathogens - effective protection
  5. Increases the immunity and resistance of the plant
  6. They are well adapted to their native environment and well adapted to the host plant, which ensures their proper growth in plant tissue in plantations. They have been successfully re-isolated from the plant several years after treatment.
  7. They are well adapted to agricultural growing conditions. Most of the fungicides tested did not inhibit their growth - good colonisation and long-term effects can be achieved even with fungicide use.