Everyone's heard of cucumber facials, although there's a major competitor on the rise - algae-based lines! What if we told you that algae can be used professionally in organic and chemical-free pest management? Yep! And with quite a bit of success!
Algae are photosynthetic marine organisms that can grow rapidly under extreme conditions. It can reach up to 1 metre in a day! Algae are used in the cosmetics industry and are an ingredient in many human food supplements.
Our algae products:
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How do I use it?
A 1 litre container of Asco Alga / Kelpak should be diluted to a concentration of approximately 2% in a backpack sprayer. This means that approximately 2 dl of Asco Algae / Kelpak should be added to 10 litres of water. This recommended concentration applies to almost all foliar fertilizers! If you only want to feed your houseplants, put a teaspoonful of Asco Algae in a 0.5L spray bottle of grated cress and fill it up with water. After that, spray it on your plants, because the high concentration of organic matter in Asco Algae can cause it to decompose and become a nasty consistency in a few weeks.