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Useful bacteria

🦠 The beneficial bacteria marketed by Danuba Garden have the following useful properties

  1. are able to fix nitrogen in the air into their bodies, and use it to produce amino acids, proteins and other useful anaysis.
  2. are able to take up nutrients in the soil in the form e.g. phosphorus or potassium shape into a wearable form.
  1. if these beneficial bacteria multiply on the plant or around the root, then are able to crowd out harmful bacteria.

Soil pH greatly influences the availability of nutrients

Soil pH greatly influences the availability of nutrients

How do I use it?

For all our products, the manufacturer guarantees the germ count and active ingredient content for 18 months from the date of manufacture.

For liquid products

Please pay special attention to the dose and time of application (temperature, time of day) to avoid occasional scorching. Application on hot days should be avoided, application above 22 degrees is not recommended. Clean the application equipment used before and after spraying with clean water.

The beneficial bacteria marketed by Danuba Garden have the following useful properties

Nitrogen fixation

1️⃣ are able to fix nitrogen in the air into their bodies, and use it to produce amino acids, proteins and other useful anaysis. When these bacteria die, they leave behind nitrogen in organic form, which the plant can use. And because bacteria tend to die faster than plants, they provide a continuous source of nutrients for crops.

For the amount of nitrogen, the manufacturers say that experiments suggest a minimum of 25 kg/ha of active ingredient, but this can be as high as 60 kg/ha. These rates can meet 20-50% of the plant's nitrogen needs. To be effective, they need to be applied as early as possible to fix as much nitrogen from the air as possible during the life of the plant.

It is very important that the soil bacteria are introduced to moist soil/soil, because bacteria cannot grow and multiply in dry soil. A pH of 6.5-7 is ideal for these soil bacteria. However, below pH 4 and above pH 9, they are no longer able to grow or reproduce significantly. It is therefore very important to measure the pH of your soil and adjust it to an optimal level.

Conversion of nutrients into absorbable form

2️⃣ are able to take up nutrients in the soil in the form e.g. phosphorus or potassium shape into a wearable form. A significant proportion of nutrients are fixed in the soil in an unabsorbed form, e.g. bound to clay colloids. These cannot be taken up by the roots of the plant. However, bacteria can mobilise them and incorporate them into their bodies. Organic nutrients bound in dead bacteria are readily taken up by the plant.

Expelling harmful bacteria

3️⃣ if these beneficial bacteria are multiplying on the plant or around the root, then are able to crowd out harmful bacteria.
Danuba Garden's bacteria products are mainly used in the Ino Bact N-Cell soil bacteria, which can accelerate the decomposition of plant residues and fix nitrogen for this process. It may also be extremely useful to Asco Start Bio Bacteria use for sowing, planting, because it provides organic nutrients to the plant (not chemical) and also contains a variety of beneficial bacteria.

Asco Start Bio Bacteria 20kg
Asco Start Bio Bacteria


Ino Bact N-Cell
Ino Bact-N Cell