Green solutions
Green for our friends
Many of us enthusiastically care for our beloved houseplants and their "green friends" in their homes or in their small garden, but recently more and more people are venturing into hobby gardening and growing of vegetables and plants to try out. But what do we start with when we cut our axe into such a big, green, tree?
Check it out The Garden of the Gardener with Miklós Szomorú video, where our colleagues, Vera and István, talk in detail about the About the ingredients, effects and uses of Danuba Garden products, and they also talk about chemical-free and organic gardening!
You know innovative, bio and chemical free our contributors?
Let us introduce you to 6 innovative and organic solutions: mycorrhizal fungi, trichoderma fungi, beneficial bacteria (yes, there are some), humus and marine algae, which we only use in the "bodybuilding protein shake and a Berry drop" we call a mixture of.
Everyone's heard of cucumber facials, although there's a major competitor on the rise - algae-based lines! What if we told you that algae can be used professionally in organic and chemical-free pest management? Yep! And with quite a bit of success!
Algae are photosynthetic marine organisms that can grow rapidly under extreme conditions. It can reach up to 1 metre in a day! Algae are used in the cosmetics industry and are an ingredient in many human food supplements.
Our algae products:
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How do I use it?
A 1 litre container of Asco Alga / Kelpak should be diluted to a concentration of approximately 2% in a backpack sprayer. This means that approximately 2 dl of Asco Algae / Kelpak should be added to 10 litres of water. This recommended concentration applies to almost all foliar fertilizers! If you only want to feed your houseplants, put a teaspoonful of Asco Algae in a 0.5L spray bottle of grated cress and fill it up with water. After that, spray it on your plants, because the high concentration of organic matter in Asco Algae can cause it to decompose and become a nasty consistency in a few weeks.
Useful bacteria
🦠 The beneficial bacteria marketed by Danuba Garden have the following useful properties
- are able to fix nitrogen in the air into their bodies, and use it to produce amino acids, proteins and other useful anaysis.
- are able to take up nutrients in the soil in the form e.g. phosphorus or potassium shape into a wearable form.
- if these beneficial bacteria multiply on the plant or around the root, then are able to crowd out harmful bacteria.
Our useful bacteria products:
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How do I use it?
For all our products, the manufacturer guarantees the germ count and active ingredient content for 18 months from the date of manufacture.
For liquid products
Please pay special attention to the dose and time of application (temperature, time of day) to avoid occasional scorching. Application on hot days should be avoided, application above 22 degrees is not recommended. Clean the application equipment used before and after spraying with clean water.
We are made of earth, we become earth? But why is soil such an important, central figure in organic and chemical-free gardening? The answer is simple. The earth beneath our feet is not only a key to sustainable development, but also a huge opportunity to learn more about our diverse world. As Leonardo da Vinci observed, "We know more about the movements of the heavenly bodies than we do about the soil beneath our feet."
Humus is the most valuable part of soil, as this is where the beneficial fungi and bacteria "live". Absorbs up to 100 times its weight in water, as well as a source of food.
Our hummus products:
Related posts:
How do I use it?
Apply monthly to the soil beneath the plants.
here. 1-2 dl of product per 10 litre jug.
mix it in and water the soil.
Be careful not to put it anywhere else, because the humus
its black colour is visible on everything. The product
can be used on all plants!
If you also liked Tony Stark armour of in the Marvel movies, we've found the perfect alternative for you to grow your plants in the most efficient and Protect. We only say one thing: chitosan!
What is chitosan? Chitosan is an organic and chemical-free solution for more sustainable gardening! Chitosan is produced by the breakdown of chitin into smaller particles, which also form the outer "armour" of fungi and insects.
The chitosan is the sprayed on the plant, it triggers its defence system and is prepared for bacterial, fungal and insect attacks for 10-14 days. NASA has also successfully used the active ingredient chitosan to protect plants on the MIR space station!
Our Chitosan products:
Related posts:
How do I use it?
Before bacterial, fungal and insect attacks
be the spray on leaves. If necessary 10-14
per day to repeat.
A critical period for plants is the flowering and a period of intensive growth. The product can be used on all plants!
Foliar fertilizer
Special foliar fertilisers for special needs
Danuba Garden offers a range of foliar fertilizers that are recommended for certain specific problems. Thanks to special raw materials and production technology, they can also be used in organic farming.
University of York 2016 experiment in 5 different grasses: How does silicon supplementation control chewing insect damage? Increasing the Si content increased the resistance of the plants to chewing insects. The graph shows that plants treated with silicon were less chewed by insects.
Your Switch Product: Ino Si

Our foliar fertilizer products:
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How do I use it?
So use our foliar fertiliser products:
From Ino Organik Zinc mainly helps prevent or cure zinc deficiency. Since zinc is very important for chlorophyll production, yellowing of the leaves between the veins may indicate a zinc deficiency, especially near the stem. Crops susceptible to zinc deficiency: maize, baby, grapes, citrus, potatoes, apples and pears
From Ino Organik Copper mainly helps prevent or cure copper deficiency. As copper is a constituent of many proteins, vitamins and enzymes, and strengthens the cell wall, it is an important micronutrient for plants. Its deficiency can be seen in the yellowing and twisting of the tips of young leaves. Fruit trees are sensitive to zinc deficiency.
From Ino Organik Calcium mainly helps prevent or cure calcium deficiency. In many vegetables, calcium deficiency manifests itself as tip rot of the fruit, where black spots may appear. Vegetable crops that are sensitive to calcium deficiency include tomatoes, peppers, courgettes, aubergines and pumpkins.
A DanuBor Bio+ mainly helps prevent or cure boron deficiency. As boron is very important for perfect flowering, it should be applied before flowering. Plants sensitive to boron deficiency are vines, fruit trees and vegetables.
The most accurate way to detect zinc, copper, calcium or boron deficiencies in soil and results of the letter analyses we can only tell you. A Danuba Garden can help you with this too.
If you do not know what nutrient deficiency your plant is suffering from, use DanuVital Bio+ a product that contains all the essential nutrients!
Micorrhizal fungus
How good would it be if pesticides and nutritional products establish a relationship with the plant and they would "discuss" everything with each other... But it is possible! Let us introduce you to the best friend of plants, the Micorrhiza fungus!
Mycorrhizal fungi have been have lived together in symbiosis for tens of millions of years with the roots of the plants. A hifafonaluk a part of it goes into the root, while the rest of the plant collects water and nutrients from a distance.
The mycorrhizal fungus is attached to the root of the plant and remains attached to it throughout its life support, protect and nourish, and fixes - makes it crumbly - the soil structure!
Our micorrhizal fungi products:
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How do I use it?
Micorrhiza fungi dosing:
When dispensing Micorrhiza fungus, the product should be applied before sowing, planting or transplanting the seed.
or sprinkled under the root. The soil is definitely
be moist so that the mycorrhizal fungus can
grow in it.
Do not disturb the soil after planting, as this will cut the hyphae of the fungus. The 6 different strains of mycorrhizae in this product are suitable for any soil type.
Trichoderma fungus
We often hear that we can never have enough of a good thing. We, the Danuba Gardenwe believe that even super Hungarian patents are never enough. That is why we bring you the developed and produced in Hungary Trichoderma fungus.
The Trichoderma fungus in our product is University of Debrecen researchers was discovered in 2015 in the Tokaj wine region. They observed that vines containing these fungal strains healthier and more beautiful. Later, the experiments were successfully extended to the whole country and to other crops.
How does the Trichoderma fungus work?
But how it works this particular Hungarian-developed mushroom? The strains of Trichoderma fungus in the product enter the plant and protect it from the inside, as well as producing substances to boost its immune system.

Our Trichoderma mushroom products:
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How do I use it?
Trichoderma fungus use
The trichoderma mushroom preparation should be sprayed on the plant as soon as possible so that it can penetrate and start strengthening the immune system.
Mix 100 g of product in a backpack sprayer and spray immediately on green parts of the plant. You can use the product on all plants!